Sunday, August 14, 2011
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
New Igloo Catalog Sneak Peek
This is a post from Billybob:
Hello Penguins!WOW! If this catalog isn't great, rhen what is? I mean, a stair ramp? I'm going to really kick off my skateboarding skills and buy many of these new items. Thanks Club Penguin for the sneak peek. Now it's time to save up for a lot of coins. :-)
We're finishing work on new stuff for you this week, including a new furniture catalog! Here's a sneak peek inside:
The new stuff will be released early in the morning on Friday (Penguin Standard Time.) Remember that you can check Penguin Standard Time at the Snow Forts, or on the Community page.
What do you think of the sneak peek? Let us know what you see in the comments below!
In other news... We just added a new version of Fluffy the Fish to the Beta Team site. Be sure to let us know what you think of it, and whether you prefer using a mouse or keyboard to play.
Until then... Waddle On!
-Club Penguin Team
Monday, August 8, 2011
Club Penguin Hospic Tour
This is a post from Billybob:
Hello Penguins!Thanks Billybob for this new update. I love how Club Penguin supports not only us penguins, but people from around the real world community! This is a reason on why to keep on playing Club Penguin. YOU ROCK! Thanks CP!
As some of you may have heard, last month Canuck Place Hospice brought a group of children with life threatening illnesses to our headquarters in Kelowna, BC, Canada. We made this video in honor of them:
Hope you enjoy the video. Let us know what you think in the comments.
Until then... Waddle On!
-Club Penguin Team
Sunday, August 7, 2011
Spy Message from Rookie - EPF Spy Phone
As I was preparing for the Great Snow Race coming to Club Penguin - I received a message from Rookie! It took me a while to actually read the message, because I was preparing for the race...but all Agents have to be on alert, so I opened it up...

Looks like it's important. Let's see what he has to say:

August 7: Rookie Hey G! What's with this party everyone's talking about? It says in the newspaper you're helping arrange it?
Thanks Rookie for this message. I was wondering the same thing too, after all - G did seem very nervous when penguins interviewed him. This is defiantly an undercover operation Club Penguin's doing. We'll just have to wait and see what it's all about.
Saturday, August 6, 2011
Think WE! Speaking Tour
Hello Penguins!
Do you want to help motivate others make a difference in the world? How about nominating your school for a tour about giving?
We've teamed up with international charity group Free The Children to present "Think WE!" -- a speaking tour and leadership program for students ages 8-14.Just like the team at Club Penguin, the "Think WE!" speakers are passionate about making a difference. They share stories to inspire YOU to take action both where you live and around the world!
You can learn more about this free program, or nominate a school from our Global Citizenship page. The program is available anywhere in English, French and Spanish!
You'll need to nominate your school before Monday, August 8 for a chance to participate in this year's tour.
Until then... Waddle On and Make a Difference!
Thanks Billybob for this new update. I can't nominate my school, because I am not in elementary school - but it would be great if these people could come to our school! It's awesome of Club Penguin to be doing this. Thanks for this great opportunity, and teaming up with Think WE!
Friday, August 5, 2011
Club Penguin Times Issue #302 | August 4, 2011

The Great Snow Race Announced!
"The Great Snow Race begins August 25!" says Gary the Gadget Guy. This is exciting news for sports fans, but the announcement raises lots of questions. Like, why would Gary throw an extreme sporty party? Outside the Everyday Phoning Faculty, a reporter asked Gary! He had to say this... "My zest for the sporting life is indestructible - in other words I really love sports!" said Gary the Gadget Guy. "I simply can't get enough, um...extreme walking! And...intense reading!" "I'm very - what's the word. Ah yes, stocked, I'm very stocked for racing and such!" Whatever Gary's reason for the party, it's time to sharpen your skies - The Great Snow Race starts August 25!Serious sports fans can soon build epic ramps in their igloos! One snowboarder spoke to us about the indoor ramp she's building. "I'm planing an intense course," she said. "So my team can practice on tracks that twists, and ramps that slant!" "We gotta ramp up our game for the Great Snow Race. Then we can chill out with slushies from my slushie maker! How rad will that be? Check out all the extreme igloo gear when it hits the Better Igloos catalog August 11.
News Flash:
Race to the Gift Shop for the latest extreme sports gear. Suit up with snow and stunt equipment in the Penguin Style catalog.
Upcoming Events:
- Starting August 11: Better Igloos Catalog | New igloo items: half-pipes, stair ramps - even a slushie Maker!
- Starting August 18: Party Construction: Workers: help build winners podiums for the Great Snow Race.
- August 18: Team Blue vs. tem Red! Cheer on your favorite team at the Stage.
- Starting now: Stock up on racing gear in the Gift Shop!
Wow! These new events going on seem to be AWESOME. It looks like the Great Snow Race is an Undercover EPF mission. Gary was very nervous when penguins interview him - so he is defiantly working on something. Agents: Keep your eyes peeled for anything going on.
Thursday, August 4, 2011
August 2011 Penguin Style
After a day of anticipation, and waiting, the new Penguin Style has finally been released! Boy do these items looks awesome! I can't wait to try out each and every one of them. Here are all of the hidden items in this catalog. Make sure to try to look for them yourself - if you can't find them, take a look at this guide!

Woah! The cover looks awesome. Looks like some sort of expedition will be going on this year - just like last year. Let's open up the catalog to see what the new items are. 

There are some awesome new backgrounds in this catalog! From snowboarding, to high mountain adventures, these backgrounds suite any penguin of any size!

- The Sub Zero - 300 Coins
- Toboggan Suit - 350 Coins
- The Flying Fishtail - 325 Coins
- Electric Pink Snowboard - 400 Coins
- The Rad Helmet - 200 Coins
- Spot-On Snowsuit - 450 Coins

Click on the top of the tree to reveal...

- Summit Boots - 250 Coins

- The Supersonic - 350 Coins
- The Supersonic Speed Suit - 450 Coins
- Evergreen Snow Vest - 350 Coins
- Sleetstopper - 150 Coins
- Tundra Board - 400 Coins
- Peak Boots: 250 Coins

Click on the top of the tree to reveal...

- The Gnarly Helmet - 200 Coins
- Yellow Goggles - 400 Coins
- Pink Sled Coat - 500 Coins
- Blue Goggles - 350 Coins
- Black Whirlpool Snowsuit - 600 Coins
- The Headturner - 300 Coins
- Snow Stopper - 150 Coins
- Jacket Winter Yellow - 450 Coins
This catalog is probably the the best catalog I have seen in a very long time! It has AMAZING new items, and they are in style! xD Most of the items are new, making them even more exciting! Looks like the wait was worth it! Thanks Club Penguin for these new updates. You ROCK!
Quick Developer Update
Hello Penguins,
Thanks for everyone's feedback on the behind the scenes video. We're working on some new exciting stuff for you this month. Here's a few of the many things we've been working on:
New items at the Gift Shop - We're just finishing up the catalog. For those of you that asked, it should be out tomorrow. Get ready for some extreme sporting action. Here's a sneak peek:
More videos - Happy77 and the team are working on some more videos for you, like a music video and another Penguins Around The World slideshow. Let us know what other videos you'd like to see in the comments!
Bug squashing - In our last developer update, we told you we're working on a fix for the orange penguin that's appearing for some of you when you log in. This should be fixed tomorrow, too.
Top secret: for secret agents only - We're putting the finishing touches on a new System Defender level. I won't say too much about that quite yet, as the EPF likes to keep things kind of secret, and I don't want to spoil the surprise...
Let us know if you have any questions in the comments. We're here to help!
Until then... Waddle On!
-Club Penguin Team
Thanks Billybob for the update, and for the Sneak Peek! The pink isn't my style, but I LOVE the goggles the penguin is wearing on the left. Thanks for a page of the sneak peek. A new music video? I can't wait for that - and see how many penguins are involved. I'm also ready for any new levels of System Defender. I'm ready for anything Club Penguin!
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
Club Penguin Behind the Scene's
In this video, you will notice very strange things. Some things that are extremely classified - and only we could know! There are even some sneak peeks in the video I wanted to know you guys. Take a look...and remember, don't tell anyone these secerets...

I've always wondered what operating system Club Penguin used, and it looks like they use both Windows and Mac! They use Dells...and not other brands xD
It looks like Club Penguin is working on the scripting for Operation: Black Out! Look at the can see someone working on the script. The script isn't readable. but the title is!
It looks like Club Penguin behind the scenes is just as fun as Club Penguin itself. It would be cool to work there, wouldn't it? I'm more into graphic designing, so I would defiantly work in that department. Penguins, make sure to stay alert for Operation Blackout!
Monday, August 1, 2011
August Tour Guide & EPF Paychecks
After a whole month of hard work of giving tours, and keeping the island safe - Club Penguin has payed all penguins that are currently employed as an EPF Agent, and/or Tour Guide 600 coins in total for both jobs. Make sure to log onto Club Penguin, and quickly buy any items you couldn't buy, because the Adventure Party is ending very soon.
Agent Edster12499: Thank you for going beyond the call of duty to keep Club Penguin safe.
To: Edster12499. Thank you for giving tours of Club Penguin. 250 Coins have been added to your account.
Cool! Thanks Club Penguin for giving us these coins. I'll be using them to buy some last minute items Rockhopper left us. Make sure to get your last minute items before time runs out! :-)
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