Thursday, August 4, 2011

Quick Developer Update

Hello Penguins,
Thanks for everyone's feedback on the behind the scenes video. We're working on some new exciting stuff for you this month. Here's a few of the many things we've been working on:
New items at the Gift Shop - We're just finishing up the catalog. For those of you that asked, it should be out tomorrow. Get ready for some extreme sporting action. Here's a sneak peek:

More videos - Happy77 and the team are working on some more videos for you, like a music video and another Penguins Around The World slideshow. Let us know what other videos you'd like to see in the comments!
Bug squashing - In our last developer update, we told you we're working on a fix for the orange penguin that's appearing for some of you when you log in. This should be fixed tomorrow, too. 
Top secret: for secret agents only - We're putting the finishing touches on a new System Defender level. I won't say too much about that quite yet, as the EPF likes to keep things kind of secret, and I don't want to spoil the surprise... 
Let us know if you have any questions in the comments. We're here to help!
Until then... Waddle On!
-Club Penguin Team

Thanks Billybob for the update, and for the Sneak Peek! The pink isn't my style, but I LOVE the goggles the penguin is wearing on the left. Thanks for a page of the sneak peek. A new music video? I can't wait for that - and see how many penguins are involved. I'm also ready for any new levels of System Defender. I'm ready for anything Club Penguin!

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